While we generally assume as pet owners we form a group with one common thought – our pets are with us for too short a time – it seems, sadly, we’re not as new research out this week revealed the sad truth behind the headline with almost all vets admitting they’ve been asked to end a healthy pet’s life and over half (53%) saying it’s a common request.

The most common reasons given to vets for the request include behavioural issues (98%), a change in the owner’s circumstance, such as divorce (28%), moving overseas (23%) and a new baby in the family (22%).

The findings which have been released by the British Veterinary Association who represent the views of 15,000 members on animal health and welfare polled 700 vets across the UK.

British Veterinary Association President Sean Wensley said: “These figures are stark and are likely to come as a shock to members of the public. But this is the sad reality of a failure to socialise animals from the earliest possible age – a specific time in a puppy’s development which has a significant impact on their future temperament and behaviour.”

He continued, “Then, in the first year of ownership, and especially in the first few weeks, work with your local veterinary practice to ensure your puppy is introduced to everyday sights and sounds, including other people and animals, in a safe and structured way.”

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