Finding something your dog loves that you can do together is a real treat. My dogs have all loved football. Chloe used to love to ponder rather than actually play, but Mia has always taken the game very seriously. There are videos of her taking people out with tackles which will never see the light of day (the embarrassment of people actually seeing it happen at the park will live with me forever) and it seems very much that Danny and Christopher are following in her footsteps, with I hope, better timed tackles.
These dogs also love to play football and have been showing off their goalkeeping skills on Youtube, but who do you think is better?
1. Meet Ethan, he knows the word penalty means business.
2. This is Purine, and he has the stamina to last.
3. This dog has passion and height, so he can reach those high flying shots.
So, who gets your vote? Let us know below! If you’re still undecided check out the cat who loves to play football before you make your decision.
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