Meet the Nation’s Favourite Dog, according to a new survey.
See if you can guess what breeds dog owners selected as their favourites from the image below and then scroll further down to find out if you were right.
Breeds such as Pugs and French Bulldogs were passed over by dog lovers according to Direct Line in favour of other family favourites as dog owners admitted that they believed Golden Retrievers have the cutest tail, body, fur and face. The cutest ears belong to Cocker Spaniels and Greyhounds take first place in the leg department.
The pet insurer’s research revealed that interestingly only half of Brits have a favourite dog breed and only a third of people own their preferred breed of dog. A quarter of people don’t own their favourite breed as it does not suit their lifestyle.
Ryan O’Meara, co-founder of, said: “Over the years, our dog adoption website has noticed a distinct increase in dog lovers actively choosing to adopt cross-breed dogs. There has been a noticeable rise in people searching to adopt a Golden Retriever cross-breed, for their health and longevity. People are rightly searching for breeds with personalities and traits that will suit their lifestyle and we hope they continue to do so.”
Prit Powar, Head of Pet Insurance at Direct Line, said: “As a nation of dog lovers, it’s no surprise that most of us have a favourite dog breed. This is why we felt it interesting to combine the most popular features from different dog breeds to find the UK’s perfect crossbreed. It’s refreshing to see that traditional dogs like the Golden Retriever are still appreciated by Brits, as social media trends2 would have us believe otherwise.”
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